Easing Joint and Muscle Pain
For many people, joint pain and stiffness are the first symptoms of lupus, or a sign that a flare is coming on. Joints in the hands, wrists and feet get stiff and painful to move, sometimes so much so that it is hard to get up from a chair or button a shirt. The shoulders, knees and ankles also get stiff sometimes. A doctor called a "rheumatologist" specializes in treating these achy joints ("arthralgias") as well as swollen and painful joints.
Why do people with lupus get pain and stiffness in their joints?
When lupus is active, there is inflammation (increased heat, swelling, and pain) throughout the body. As part of this inflammation, a thin lining in certain spaces around the joints grows and thickens. This change in size causes pain and swelling in the joints as well as tendons and special fluid-filled sacs that normally lessen rubbing between body parts. Inflammation also can lead to the release of body chemicals that break down bone and destroy a type of very hard connective tissue called cartilage.
Is this pain and stiffness the same as arthritis?
No, since the bones and joints do not (usually) get damaged permanently, as they do with arthritis. But the pain and stiffness of lupus can still be very difficult to deal with, and some of the ways of handling arthritis work well for lupus.
Are muscles affected?
Two out of three people with lupus at some point complain of muscle aches. Often these aches are between the elbow and neck, or between the knee and the hip. While the aching can be intense, the muscle does not actually weaken, which is good. The muscle can also get inflamed (reddened, warm, swollen), although this is less common. A separate illness called fibromyalgia, which involves extreme muscle pain and tenderness at particular body points, sometimes happens at the same time as lupus.
How should pain and stiffness be treated?
Some over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen, may lessen pain and inflammation. Some people get relief by putting heating pads on painful areas or taking warm showers and baths to lessen stiffness. Others feel better with cold packs. Find what works for you, but also always check with your doctor.
What is the best way to handle a joint that is very stiff, tender, and inflamed?
Try resting and lifting up the joint (pillows and blankets are good props) as much as possible. Avoid putting weight on it. Warm showers or baths can lessen stiffness. Stay away from activity that increases pain, tenderness, swelling or makes your muscles "burn." A "physical therapist" (or trained friend) can gently move the inflamed joint to prevent extreme stiffness, but check with your doctor first. An "occupational therapist" can help with ways for coping and getting your strength back if tasks such as cleaning, bathing, and cooking are hard to do.
Is it important to keep joints and muscles healthy?
Resting and protecting joints are very important, but exercise keeps the muscles, bones, and tendons that make up the joint as healthy and strong as possible. So avoid weight-bearing exercises if you have joint pain, but also look for ways to stay active, such as gentle yoga or walking 30 minutes daily. Keeping active helps to control weight, boost energy, and put you in a better mood. Do what you can during a flare, and try to exercise more as you start to feel better.
Are there other kinds of joint problems in lupus?
Although much less common, other joint problems are possible, such as damage to the hip joint (possibly leading to severe arthritis), tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and the development of small lumps in the joints of the hands. Ask your doctor for more information about how to handle these problems.
Is it common to develop joint pain and stiffness with lupus?
Up to 90 percent of people with lupus struggle with joint pain (arthralgia) and stiffness. For many, the discomfort is among the first symptoms of the disease. It often shows up in the small joints of the hands, wrists and feet, making it uncomfortable to walk and interfering with simple tasks such as buttoning a shirt or chopping vegetables. As the disease evolves, some people experience pain in other joints such as the shoulders, knees and ankles. Arthralgia is sometimes referred to as lupus arthritis, although the bones and joints usually don't suffer permanent damage.
Why are joints affected by lupus?
As part of the inflammation involved in active lupus, the thin membrane of connective tissue called the synovium that lines certain joint spaces (for example, in the knees, hands, hips) grows and thickens. This change in size and associated inflammation causes pain and swelling not only in the joints but in the tendons and fluid-filled sacs called bursae that normally serve to reduce friction between body tissues. Connective tissue inflammation also can prompt the release of chemicals capable of eroding bone or destroying cartilage.
Is muscle pain common with lupus as well?
Two-thirds of people with lupus complain of muscle aches (myalgia), typically between the elbow and neck or the knee and hip. The muscle doesn't actually weaken, although in about 15 percent of people with lupus it become inflamed at some point, a condition called myositis