Monday, 7 December 2015

Healthy Teeth ( Sehat mand Daant)

By on 10:10:00

Daily dental care
Daily dental care is very important to keep yourself healthy. It is very important to eat right things to maintain healthy teeth. Appropriate vitamins should b added in daily food intake. Especially, vitamin C is considered to be very helpful in maintains healthy gums and teeth. 

Juicy fruits such as orange juice and lemon juice. Vitamin C helps to stop swelling in gums. Low level of vitamin C causes weak teeth. It is also very important to eat foods that have vitamin D and P. Foods that have chlorophyll are very good for teeth. Miswaak is also very good for teeth. If you use it as tooth brush daily then your teeth will become very strong and healthy. 

Exercise and cleanliness of teeth
Dental exercise is very important to keep teeth healthy. Eat fresh and hard fruits to keep your teeth strong. Don’t forget to brush your teeth twice a day, in morning and before going to bed. Brushing technique is very important to keep teeth clean. Brush your upper teeth downward and lower teeth upward. Similarly brush your all teeth. 

Sweets are very dangerous for teeth. If you do not brush your teeth after eating sweet then there are high chances of cavities in teeth. Sweetness creates a layer on teeth that destroys its defensive layer. Keep visiting your dentist regularly to have healthy and strong teeth.


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