Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Homemade Skin Whitening tips in English (Hakeem KI HIkmat)

By on 11:43:00

Homemade Skin Whitening tips in Urdu

Having a dull skin blotchy and lifeless is really a nightmare, regardless of our age or time of year. If you are looking for beauty tips in Urdu for skin whitening to clear your dermis, please read this article, you will know where the best home remedies for skin whitening in urdu.

Homemade skin whitening recipes

Lemon juice: is a natural and very effective product, known for its skin lightening for its high content of vitamin C, which is excellent for regulating the production of melanin. This substance is responsible for providing color to the skin. Moreover, because the lemon contains citric acid, helps in cell renewal. You must directly rub a slice of this super food in the face or skin you want to clarify. You can also soak a cotton ball and apply withthe juice through the skin. Note that after treatment you can not go out that day. Seize the weekend or a holiday for it. Otherwise, your skin will stain further.
homemade skin whitening white women face

Onion: more specifically its juice, which contains sulfur and vitamin C. It is undoubtedly an excellent ingredient to have healthy skin all year. Should be used externally if desired diminish wrinkles, blemishes or acne marks. It also serves to stimulate hair follicles, disinfect wounds and eliminate dandruff. Sprays a red onion in blender and soaked with that juice cotton, which should apply the patches. Leave on 10 minutes and washed with cold water. Note that if the area is irritated may experience some burning. If it is unbearable, rinse immediately.

Vinegar: apple cider vinegar is one of our infallible remedies lists, both for health and for the beauty allies. This is because having an acid pH, good to close the pores and simultaneously achieve a smooth and shiny skin. To apply, just soak a cotton ball with apple cider vinegar and place on the stains, leave on for about 20 minutes and then wash with cold water.
Milk: You've probably heard that Cleopatra, queen of ancient Egypt, their beauty routines based on the use of fermented sour milk. Lactic acid baths used to drag the dead skin cells, leaving it soft and clean. It also has excellent bleaching properties, which help to achieve an even tone, restitute the brightness and blur the periodic use small spots. You can make a "facial peel" using milk , cotton dipped in warm or mild liquid. Leave it overnight and rinse in the morning.


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